Saturday, October 29, 2005
wow..second post of the day..i am seriously bored.
here's something i drew. don't own a scanner, so had to take a picture of it and then edit it using microsoft paint so that the stupid lines can be seen clearly. i call this "How Not To Spend A Saturday". who says drawing is for ijgirls? haha i never cease to amaze myself.
polekid farted at 6:52 PM
i had an intellectual conversation with jill that night. what she said really got me thinking.
here's an excerpt:
Moses: "study hard okay? but don't forget to watch friends on starworld every night at 1100."
Jill: "....... no."
Moses: "why?! it's damn funny what!"
Jill: "funny? far-nny? not that far's just outside."
Moses: ".... okay i'm SO gonna blog about this.."
Jill: "eh eh..this does not mean you blog about my far-nny. my jokes are copyrighted. when repeated by others, it's not farnny anymore."
Moses: "i'm gonna go watch friends now..byebye"
Jill: "GO WATCH LA. I KNOW YOU WANT TO. gshock right? your watch..gshock?"
Moses: ".....okay okay i go gshock now.."
Jill: "jill rocks. SAY IT NOW!"
Jill: "of course, of course.."
Jill: "i stone.. or pebble? which one you want?"
_________________________________________________________well i guess she is remotely funny la..
good job jill! hmmm i heard there's a pop-up on my site..don't know computer is damn gay apologies to everyone, will try to fix the pop-up thingy asap...
ok here's an interesting cartoon..
polekid farted at 1:45 PM
Sunday, October 23, 2005 brain is empty. there is a little green bird flying around inside there. a ferocious creature, the little green bird thrives on television, paper balls, cotton buds and homework. in it's free time, the little green bird engages in educational activities such as sleeping, eating, farting and burping. the little green bird is extremely proficient in english, chinese, malay, tamil, hindi and several other languages, including the languages of love, greed and cheesecakes. the little green bird has no mother and is green in colour. its name is Lemon, although it is affectionately known as "bird" by other little green birds. here ends the story about Lemon, the little green you know why i only do expository.two more weeks of mugging (re: watching tv with a book on your lap). after that it's the bloody exams..and then i'm free to do stuff.. not exactly sure what stuff i'm gonna do, but i'm sure it's gonna be fun.. yes..haha i am TOTALLY bored to death right now..i BORED myself..haha first time for everything la..watched 50 First Dates today. good show. kinda sad, but in a good way la. okay must go sleep..take care all..keep your hands out of your pants and make sure you buy me something nice for christmas.oh yes..sandra wants me to post five weird things about myself and after that i'm supposed to go ask five other people to post five weird things about themselves........i think something is seriously wrong with sandra. haha jst kidding...and i didn't pang seh you guys today k! i was standing at the back! couldn't find you guys..everyone looked the same..lazy to search la, so i stood at the back..and i left immediately after mass because something came up at's five weird facts about me..*so embarrassing*1. almost every christmas, i incite my young cousins to fight with each other.2. when i was in kindergarten, i'd have scribbling competitions with my cousin (he's 8months older than i am). we'd scribble our names on the walls of my aunt's house..guy who covers the most area wins.3. i have a conscience (unlike all you bums out there! nyeahh heh heh!)4. i capture and torture bugs with correction fluid.5. anything i like, i put in my mouth. yepp..i don't think i'd be asking anyone to share five weird things about himself/herself.. waste of time man..we're all weird anyway...that's what makes us normal.
polekid farted at 9:27 PM
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
dearest jill-bert.. thank you for respecting me.. i know that even if i didn't manage to fast, you'd still be there for me no matter what.. i love your slippers, your boots, your legs, your thighs, your tights, your hair, your "hair", your smile, your face, your fart, your jokes, your company, your proton saga and your tunisian ass. you rock. really. HOHO!!fasting with jill made me realise how much discipline she has. i have greater respect for the muslims in my community, because i now know that there is a lot more to fasting than just physical hunger and thirst. it's about having the resolve and courage to make a conscious attempt to change yourself for the better. it is truly an enlightening experience and i recommend that everyone should give it a try. in short, it's FANTASTIC. and even if you don't believe that i managed to pull it off, you can go eat your socks.. cos jill and i know the TRUTH.
aaaahhh.. i was actually gonna update at the end of the week, but a few mintues ago, i saw something which prompted me to disturb this space. at 10pm, my mom and i went down to the 7-11 to get some provisions. (don't ask me why we're doing our shopping at this time of the day). so yeah, walked through the bazaar and all that.. saw a couple of nice, classy, exquiste and seriously fake caps, belts, people and bags. left the store with a carton of milk and a loaf of bread, but not without glancing (okay, so i was staring) at the latest issues of newman and other stuff.. HEE HEE..okay anyway, we finally get back to the estate and wait for the lift to come down.. after a damn long time (i don't get it, there are only eleven floors in my flat, how slow can a lift get?), the blasted lift arrives.. we get in and the doors are about to close, when we hear a beautiful and innocent voice cry "AUNTY AGNES!! WAIT!!".. my mom's name is agnes by the name is moses.. my dad's name is james.. so we got the -ES at the end of our names.. wow..i think i made a rhyme.. haha anyhows..
that voice belonged to joyce. remember joyce? the
absolutely hot neighbour on the 9th floor? haha man, i was so thrilled..she ran into the lift wearing nothing but tight jeans, a fitting green top, a sling bag across her chest, highlights in her hair and a lovely smile on her heavenly mind went blank man.. the only words which existed in my vocabulary at that instant were "
wow", "
angelic", "
hot", "
babe" and "
alamak"..i wish my mom wasn't in the lift and that the lift had stopped there and then man..felt that we could've chatted the night away .. she's so open, so friendly, so
everything la.. my God man..and to think that i rarely see her..hahah she's a good girl..haha nah, i take that back..she's not a girl..
she's a lady.
it turned out that she had just got back from work.. part-time sales assistant at Pretty Feet.. (sounds like a bakery to me, but i'm thinking that it has something to do with shoes)..lift eventually came to the fourth was such an all-good-things-must-come-to-an-end moment man.. smiled at her and said goodbye, to which she responded with a kiss..HAHA nah, jst kidding..she smiled back la..GOSH, her smile will melt anyone's heart.. walked out, feeling dazed, yet refreshed.. i was extremely satisfied and yet silently yearned for more..............woah man...pure exhilaration...aiyah..she's lovely la.. any guy that gets to date her should consider himself really lucky..
aaahhhhh...let's talk about something else.. hmmm.. this week's the last week of school for me..meaning that tomorrow will be my last Wednesday in SJI..bittersweet, to say the least.
haha i guess this makes a good entry right david? gonna sleep..MARCUS IS DAMN HANDSOME MAN.. HOHO!!
polekid farted at 10:20 PM
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
ahh well..graduation..really lovely event..the first two paragraphs in my letter managed to make my mom cry, so i'm certain that it was a good graduation..and i signed off as "your idiot son"... haha.. if there's something wrong with me, it's from her side of the gene pool..hahah took loads of pictures...isabelle was there too..yeah..good la..after that...ate at pastamania in cine with the guys..and then.. went down to watch Darkwater at plaza sing at around 1130..scary show...okay, maybe i'm chicken..stayed over at mark's place with zul and MR. HANDSOME MARCUS.. ahhaha was feeling super tired so slept as much as i could..and they had their fun with me la..stuck tissue and God knows what else in my ear...nose...and God knows where else...haha don't worry, i was still wearing pants..they even took a video of it..and i have to admit...i DO sleep like a log..butEVEN LOGS DON'T GET PIECES OF STUFF STUCK INSIDE THEM RIGHT?! ahhaha i'll have my revenge..or maybe not.. anyway, to cut a long story short, i slept a lot...had really good muffins for breakFAST and slept summore.. haha lovely..really..cheers to mark's family..they are damn back results..didn't do too good...managed to jst qualify for jc la..gonna appeal to cj through rugby..praying real hard to get in..the ruggers are going together..yeah..hopefully it'll turn out well day...puasa starts today..had fun banging zul here and there, but i've got loads of respect for the muslims la..they're able to "tahan" for so long.. haha i'm gonna fast with jill in..the total fasting experience..yeah.. will blog here after i'm done.. ahhaha..hmm..well i guess that's about it really..nothing much happening..oh yeah, i donated blood.. it's damn fun.. not very pain la...fasting for a whole day is more painful.. haha the pain only lasts for 5 secs max man..damn fun..everyone who CAN donate, SHOULD donate..i promise you..after you donate, you'll feel four'll feel weak, you'll feel tired, you'll feel sleepy and you'll feel satisfied...yes. ahaha...davidson is a bloody cheater.. we were racing..winner would be the person to fill his bag first..and he started FIRST LA! but i still finished before i win.. ahaha.. tamessa la david...HEE HEE..oh yeah, zul beat jon in arm wrestling..actually jon just didn't want to malu zul in front of so many people la.. allowed zul to bask in his fasting glory...ahahah..ohandbytheway, i beat zul at arm wrestling.. i am so strong. HURR! nvm, tomorrow we challenge.. since we're both fasting, it'll be more fair.. ahahah.. i love my mom, i love God, i love the legion, i love jill, i love david, david loves ******, i love HURR, i love wei can't and wei wrong, i love gautham s/o haridass s/o jaganathan (or maybe i don't), i love donating blood, i love cjc, i love life and right now, i'm really loving SJI. it's been wonderful.. aiyah, i know it's cliche, but i'll say it anway.. words KANN express the love i have for this school.. it's like.. wow man.. =))happy birthday jac!
polekid farted at 9:05 PM