Wednesday, August 31, 2005
today was sweaty. left the cake with mr. bong in the morning and then went for mass.. haha there were PLENTY OF CATHOLICS at mass today.. yes.. sheyang was there too.. hahahaha.. wonder what it's like to be a non-catholic and go for mass.. must be pretty exciting, especially if the first reading is about a boy and his pet tree. had one period of humans before the performance.. mrs. laj didn't really show up until about 20plus minutes before the bell was gonna ring.. we were playing murderer in class.. haha my first time playing.. yeah. so she came in and she was like "what's this?!"..then we told her that it was a game.. then she was like "oh..."
so we continued playing.. then like aftr 3 minutes or so, she said "okay i'll be back in a minute"..and she never returned.. yeah.. so play until damn gay la.. henry rocks man.. but linton really sucks at the game... haha actually he's okay's jst that it's real easy to "cheat his money".. and every time he kena see his face, can die laughing man.. hahaha.. yes..
school suddenly kena molested by all the old boys.. haha whole load of them.. yeah.. went to the pac for the performance.. nigel is a clown man.. dun understand his puppy joke.. haha the performances were okay i guess.. the magic show was pretty cool and the bands and all were really great.. but i think the best was the one where jeremy chan was doing his thang man... yeah.. he was totally in the zone la.. loved every second of it.. jeremy rocks man..
after that, mingle with the oldies a bit.. then hunted shenyang down.. called loi and nigel a bazillionjillionwillion times... both never pick up..baaaasket.. so we collected the cake from mr. bong... eh not, actually we collected it from the canteen aunty la.. second time that i left a cake with them.. both times try to bluff me, say that mr. bong ate my cake.. or that they couldn't find it.. hahah the canteen aunties ROCK man..
so as we were looking for mr. tan, we bumped into loi..who left his phone at home... singapore home la..then he followed us and we went up to the THIRD FLOOR OF THE STAFFROOM man.. that's like..superduper out of bounds to students..passed him the cake and he said that he'd take us out for lunch after our prelims.. hahah i bet what he actually meant was that "you do well in your prelims then i take you out for lunch"..haha.. but mr. tan rocks too la.. yesyes.
gave him the cake, had a mini debate with lauw and john lo about who was going to be my second child's godfather..lols..buns msged me trying to sound cool, but ended up getting home and watched tv baby!!.. hahahahah.. i love my tv very much.
oh yeah, we had the legion farewell for the sec4s..i must say, it was.. um...very, very....very, very.......very, very good la.. lols.. yes.. nicely done.. really really enjoyed it.. big thank you to the gay freak and company for organising it and thank you God for the past 4 years.. haha and most importantly, thank you mr. ang for being there always.. yeah.. like seriously..ALWAYS... you're the man. you rock. really gonna miss them lots..wonder what moses yeo will turn out like when he's in longpants next year.. bet the sky will fall down.. haha
awww..all this talk about them getting me really inspired to do a gideon and write a farewell letter to the praesidium.. haha i think i shall.. after the prelims la.. yes.. okay..i promise that.. yepp.. alrighty.. news jst ended.. time for more tv.. BYEBYE ALL.. love much.........................................NOT! HURR HURR..kidding la..
polekid farted at 9:35 PM
Sunday, August 28, 2005
happy birthday
shenyang and happy birthday
wei kann.. loved your house your food too...and i really loved the view...
haha i got shenyang a special present..he's gonna love it man.. yesyes... ohwells..start to another week.. here's another picture.. explodingdog, you are
the ubidabaji.
polekid farted at 10:41 PM
Saturday, August 27, 2005

oh yes indeed.
polekid farted at 6:40 PM
Friday, August 26, 2005
had some funny nationaleducationquiz thingy thing today..damn stupid man.. haha my score was 500 000.. but i heard that some people got 600 000...scary man..anyway..both practicals were horrible.. chem pract was real funny tho.. happily filled up the burette with hydrochloric acid.....without realising that the tap was open.. meaning that as i poured the stuff in, it poured out onto the table..haha oh yeah, we also had to add a magnesium strip to a beaker of hydrochloric acid and stir the bloody beaker for eight bloody minutes.. haha everyone was exchaning the "what-the-hell-eight--whole-minutes!?" look man.. hahaha..wonder what's wrong with the science teachers..hmmm
david]: davidson is "JEH-LERZZZZZZZ"... haha don't worry la david, you can have her...i'm on someone else man.. haha but you know.. if things don't really work out right.. we could always share... HEE HEE..but i'm gonna be really careful man.. pang seh king, must be careful.. haha.. ***** !!! count properly.. only got 5..
buns]: eh buns you rock la... don't be too bummed about the 4.5-over-15 for the qualitative analysis thing.. maybe your chem teacher was pulling your leg? maybe that's why your leg so itchy? i dunno leh.. hahaha thanks for all your help buns.. i am like one of your best friends in the world okay? even though i put you down every 20 minutes or so..i still think you are're up there with us la.. vince can go kiss his're a god..
binni ]: haha dunno if you'll read this or not, but thanks for all the smiles and crazy faces that you come up with.. it gives me a new way to look at things.. hahahhaa.. go figure man.. CHALET!! HURR HURR!!..
wani]: you bloody backside! pang seh us so many times.. hahaha...
shenyang]: stop it la shenyang...stop mugging..teachers are threatened by your wisdom.. they scared to lose their job...stop it la.. =))
hairi]: i'm so sorry.. i promise to try my best to refrain from talking to, laughing at or poking you for as long as i can.. haha i hope that i haven't screwed up your idea of what it means to be a sec one boy..cos not all sec ones get to interact with the longpants much.. but you're jst damn funny la..ohyeah, don't sit on any walls throughout your lifetime alright? all the king's horses and all the king's men probably won't be able to put you together again.
ahmad]: hey maaaan....aren't ve....kool?... last... but for how long? haha as long as it smells good..
polekid farted at 7:23 PM
Monday, August 22, 2005
i learnt something new.. you see something you don't like and it affects you really badly..but you don't have the balls or the brain to make any noise about it.. then you shut your mouth, stick three fingers up your nose and smile.. it's the safer option la..especially if you're a conggybuddy..unless you got nine lives or something..
polekid farted at 7:22 PM
Wednesday, August 17, 2005

i love being a guy.
polekid farted at 9:47 PM
Sunday, August 14, 2005
sunday afternoon and the rain is falling.. i'm searching for song lyrics.. "Mr. E's Beautiful Blues by Eels".. good song.. so the rain gets heavier..and my mom went "OEI! go and close the window la! rain coming in!".. so i go and close the window.. and as i close it, i notice this damn chio girl closing her window too..she lives on the 3rd floor..thick dark hair and nice complexion..yeah.. so this means that there are two pretty people living in my on the 9th floor and one on the 3rd.. so i guess eunos isn't that dejected after all..
polekid farted at 12:41 PM
Wednesday, August 10, 2005

that's pretty much how i'm feeling right now..
polekid farted at 6:21 PM
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
and the fourth cow-age begins.. yesyes.. well i was watching tv..HBO la..and then there was Sex And The City coming on in five i was feeling kinda excited..cos i thought that i'd get to watch my very first episode of Sex And The City.. yeah.. cos i didn't really understand what the big fuss was..hmmm.. so yeah.. it starts..and there are a couple of ladies walking around while the theme song was playing.. thought some of their outfits were hot.. and the theme song was kinda catchy too.. and then i realised that almost everyone had
i got banged la. cos it was just this farewell show kinda thing.. it wasn't an actual i decided to change the channel.. but just before i did, i heard this lady say "these women never wear the same outfit twice"..which sorta got me thinking.... women must spend a hell lot on clothes.. like.. a hell lot more than us guys could ever imagine...heh.. pretty damn glad that i'm a guy.. mmm... change channel PLEASE.
anyhows..friday was alright i guess.. yeah.. enjoyed myself.. especially that girl with the moustache.. haha she was hot.. lols.. saw margaret and jaclyn and ali and my physics teacher...haha..oh yeah saw MRS. FAM too!! haha i've missed her loads man.. she's like.. my third mother.. hahaha .. i love you MRS. FAM!
yesterday we played soccer in class..stood in a circle and kicked the ball around la.. juggling.. yeah.. and wee hoe kicked the ball to his face.. we all had a good laugh at him. thanks for being you, wee hoe.. you're the best.. wee hoe looks a lot like our archbishop..wonder what's happening to the church man..then today we all rehearsed the national day mass.. quite fun la. i think i folded a bazillion paper cranes today.. haha crazy fun man.. stayed back till 7pm in the cenacle folding paper cranes.. fold until can fold with my eyes closed la.. haha veins on my arm can be seen..
what else arh.............. oh yes!! okok..i'm gonna dedicate this part of the entry to sandra's younger sister.. not too sure what her name was.. joyce i think..yeps.. ok here goes..
hey joyce!! (hopefully that's your name la..) i just wanna tell you how much i love your shoes.. yeah..
they're damn cool la.. all the lights and everything..i dun care, i'm getting my own pair for christmas man!
then we can wear together and look cool.. then your sister will become jealous..haha oh yeah, jeremy and i also think that you're simply're like.... DAAAAAAAAMN CUTE la... like seriously DAAAAAAAMN CUTE la...(haha i think at this point, sandra wants to slap me really badly ..) got a cute smile, cute hair, cute shoes and an act-cute sister.. (now sandra wants to slap me, then cut me up into little pieces) is gonna be great for you when you grow up..all the guys will come flocking to you man... i mean, who can resist you lor! your shoes so nice summore..heh, you might even steal the attention of your sister's -coughandsputter
SAMUELcoughandsputter-..haha..(okay, now sandra wants to slap me, cut me up into little pieces and mix me in whipped mashed-potato so can she can feed me to her pet giraffe).. aiyah
joyce, i think you're cool la.. =))..
no hard feelings yeah sandra? hee..was jst playing around..
aaaaalrighty then.. it's off to bed for me..
when she passes, she smiles, but she doesn't see.
polekid farted at 10:24 PM