Thursday, July 28, 2005
well... the paper balls were thrown away by the cleaners.. (balls to the cleaners for doing such a good job).. but not to worry, we've made more balls.. and they're bigger, harder and more...... satisfying..heh heh..lets came back home after the sji-saints game.. wasn't really special.. yeah.. playing with buns, wani, david (DAMN CHEAPSKATE!), nigel, meng, kann and ZULHILMIE BABA.. bloody ass.. then went back home all sweatyy..
got home and told me mother.. "eh let's go shopping".. then she was like "huh? okay la let's go".. so we went down to parkway parade and i got myself my very first pair of jeans!! HOHO! i feel so privileged now. got a shirt and THREE CDs!! BossaNova, Matt Monro (some oldies singer a nice voice), and the vcd of the movie Ray (HOHO!! finally can go listen to all the funky ass songs till i cry coca cola!).. then came back home and listened to bossanova..good shit..seriously.. damn shiok..the best part is that i hardly understand what they're saying..haha real good stuff..slacked man.. feels fantastic to slack.. hahaha.. past few days have been spent watching is good. haha ohwells.. off to somewhere else now.. goodnight ipanema..
=)) i'll get you tomorrow wani, i promise.
polekid farted at 9:40 PM
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
my god, it seems like EVERYONE suddenly wants to die laughing....not original anymore..anyways, there's a new craze in class.. everyone's like making huge paper balls.. yeah.. seriously HUGE. and then we throw them around for fun.. haha..the biggest ball is about twice the size of two fists clapsed together... which is pretty damn big for a paper ball.. yeah.. there are four official balls, wrapped in a plastic bag... those balls are like damn high quality.. then there are the wannabe-balls.. shabby and sloppy..falls apart after a few throws..then there are the small balls..and the smaller balls.. and the freaking tiny balls..
the big ball (i call it the MOTHERBALL) is so big and heavy, that if you're wearing specs, and if the ball was to hit your head from behind, it'd knock your specs's really really really really really big..i have never seen a paper ball as big as this one..will take a pic of the balls and put them up here...hahaha maybe when i've got more time, i'll go make a paper ball so massive that i can't wrap my arms around it..what a waste of paper..
wani (got a lot of money) rocks!
david rocks too, but he cheapskate one.. haha..okies.. back to tv!! =))
polekid farted at 9:45 PM
Sunday, July 24, 2005
i think my mother is losing her mind. and i'm scared. the whole conflict thing in the family is really heating up.. and i almost can't take it anymore man.. being the only child of a single parent is really a rollercoaster ride. goes up and down so fast it makes your head spin.. she's gotta be a mother and a father at the same time and it looks like it's really taking a toll on her.. wow.. imagine what it must be like..having your roles all messed up..haha and people think that my mom is cool..hmmm..well..yeah..i guess she IS cool.. three cheers for my mother.

daniel(s*****'s brother!!), my MOTHER and grace's mom..
polekid farted at 5:06 PM
Saturday, July 23, 2005
wow.. it's been quite a long time since i felt so many emotions in one day.. let's see.. stayed over at my grandmother's place on friday night cos there was some prayer thingy..everyone's like not supposed to go to sleep.. so yeah.. was stuffy, humid, sweaty and uncomfortable.. came back home at 7am..knocked out straight away.. woke up at 2pm..thennn.. slacked around on the floor.. felt damn shiok.. very relaxed.. yeah.. it felt good.. then the cable guys came over and they set up the thingy.. so now i've got CABLE TV!.. was already 5pm but it felt like 11am to me..dunno..body clock a bit messed up.. then someone tells me something about her mom knowing something..then i felt that sinking feeling in my gut..thankfully, it wasn't big shit.. showered and got ready to leave for the temple cos there were going to be more prayers.. here's where i started to feel see, since my grandmother passed away, i've been tolerating my mother and her nonsense.. i know it's not nice to say things about your parents, but she was being a big bitch man. whole day gossip on the phone for dunno how many hours. and the bad thing is that they're all gossiping about one aunty (hopefully it's JUST ONE..).. the worst thing must be that during her "conversations" on the phone.. she repeats the same things over and over again...this repetition is the right of all senior citizens, because they have a burning desire to share their experiences with everyone around them, which at the end of the day, is a good thing for everyone. but my mom just goes on and on about the same thing..let me try to explain it a little.. let's say she says five bad things about my aunty. now what she'll do is that she'll repeat those five bad things six or seven (sometimes even ten) times..which would mean that she'd be on the phone for about a minimum of 45 minutes. so if it's 45 minutes per gossip session per day.. imagine how much i have been enduring so far.. and to think that there's a lot more to come. God help us all.anyhows, she asked me to wear what i wore for my confirmation (minus the tie of course) i obliged (even though i was against it cos the temple was nearby and i wouldn't be spending much time i go to the temple. it was stuffy, humid, sweaty and uncomfortable.. and with my irritating cousin around, tugging at my shirt and all, i was getting really pissed off. i also wasn't able to follow the prayer service so i sorta didn't know what the fuck i was doing there la. this was the first time that i felt that i was wasting time in a place of worship. ate some food at the temple and left for home, feeling seriously frustrated. got back home.. shouted at my mom.. feel real bad about it. dunno la, i just felt so damn fucked. lack of sleep+screwed up body clock+irritating cousins+WASTING PRECIOUS TIME = a pissed off me. i just wanted to break something..then i noticed the candle on the cabinet. the one that i took back from legion retreat. and i remembered ang saying something about "finding your quiet zone when everything around you is noisy"...he didn't literally mean "quiet" and "noisy" of course.. mmm..i might light that candle tonight.okay..CABLE TV calls!! bye all.
this is why noodles came from China.
polekid farted at 9:40 PM
Thursday, July 21, 2005
today was a long day. woke up slightly late today..cabbed down to school.. taxi driver was from st. stephen's primary school..he then went to sji and then to st pats..yeps..turns out that he used to work with my dad in the police force..quite coincidental eh? school started and all that..psf interviews number two..enjoyed myself man..dunno la..whenever i'm in their company, all my worries and troubles are all thrown aside..yeah..great bunch of guys.. got a lift with nigel to kallang mrt in marcus' dad's car..which is fricking nice man.. damn chio.. merc i think.. damn damn damn chio..the seats are damn shiok man..
got back and slacked all the way man.. the television is my best friend. yepp..oh yeah..i "found" my phone.. the theif returned it to me.. my form tutor "stole" my order to teach the class a lesson..cos the drawer where we store our phones before school was left unlocked the whole he randomly picked a phone..which was mine la..oh wells.. at least it's back now.. yeah..
ALL GAY!! ALL GAY!! ALL GAY!!! haha yesyes..all them **** scum..small shit like this, make so much noise arh..
polekid farted at 7:15 PM
Tuesday, July 19, 2005
my phone was stolen today..i think i know who stole it. the guy who stunned my phone :
jst pass it back to me and we can forget about the whole thing yeah?.. hmmm..and to everyone point messaging, phone no more..if i get it back from the stunner, then yeah..everything's okay la..if not, then i dunno when i'm gonna get a new phone and sim card.. yeah.. so anything urgent to tell me, go laugh till you fart. mmm.. called my mom.. she's not too happy but she says it's "retribution"..haha guess only a few of you guys will understand why.. was a very bad day.
national track and field championships tmr.. should be fun i guess.. cheering with the bums.. yeah..
polekid farted at 4:10 PM
Monday, July 18, 2005
alamak. the prefect's room is in a huge mess. must go and clean all over again..basket.. aaaanyhows..on renaissance (sat night), i had a carrom competition.. malaysia vs singapore..jeremy loi vs moses james..playplayplay and then it came down to one seed each.. he shot in the red, but missed his black..turnover.. i shot in the red and then shot in my white which was hiding in a corner..HOHO..was a damn good game.. rematch coming up soon.. haha..
today seemed like a pretty short day..had mini-math intensive..didn't feel as tired as i normally would have felt..physics and humans drained everything out..thankfully, english was okay.. then lunched in the canteen and headed off for psf interviews..was damn funny..cos after the psls left, the psfs started throwing paper
balls arnd..then we collected all the paper
balls and created one huge
BALL. it was like..the MOTHER OF ALL
BALLS. yepps..then i dunno what happened to the mother
ball, but disappeared la..brought all the stuff back down to the prefect's room and then darrick bought us all ICE CREAM! so sweet of was like..$1.40 for one cone la.. tht's like.. $1.40 x 5-6 of us..which equals to a lot of money..awww.. everyone should go give him some ice cream..yeps..then played more carrom with mark..he's okay la.. could tell that he was like feeling pretty after a while, it didn't matter which colour went in (talk about racial harmony)..haha..then bus-ed home..waited forever for the bus..then got home..went online..dinner..etc..etc..etc... yesyes..looking forward to legion tomorrow..cos it means more aircon for us.
polekid farted at 8:16 PM
Sunday, July 17, 2005
yes sir, yes sir, three bags full. HEE HEE.. i love my new blogskin.. really really really really really really really really love it... and i love my mummsy too, cos she agreed to get me new CDs..yay! happyhappy.. mummsy's got a really really really really really really really really really really really really bad's like..really really really really really really bad.. yeah.. cough and cough and cough and cough and cough and cough until can die man..hope she gets better. yesyes. okay... will update again soon..BURRRP.
polekid farted at 9:22 PM
Saturday, July 16, 2005
hoho. this is the third cow age since i have blogged. hmmm..lets see. listening was a flop..retreat was hell good. the mass at the table and all that..very very very nicely done. yesyes. then... carmel was good to.. really enjoyed the mass...we made a MAHT LITANY..haha it's our maht song composed to fit the tune of the litany sang during the mass. good stuff. and thennn.. headed down to tp... bloody sec ones irritating the fuck out of me. cn't shut their fricking mouths for five seconds without farting la. had a really really bad headache... dinner with the alumni people and us at crystal jade..good shit.. slow, but good.. cake, no pool, home. btw, i was the only black guy in crystal jade..felt so special. haha..
polekid farted at 11:29 PM
Monday, July 11, 2005
i miss school and i desperately want to go back. cos i'm alr lagging like crazy man...shit la.. hear that there's a pile of homework rotting under my desk in school.... how can i let that happen man..homework is supposed to rot at home, tht's why they call it homework...dang..ohwells..the monkeybars have been mean to me.. blister open again..damn gay.. but damn fun la.. haha.. PULL UP, here i come! lols.. alrighty..gonna stay at james' tonight..try to get back into the swing of things.. doing homework and all.. life at home is damn sian..especially with a mom who jst lost her mom.. cos all she can talk abt are the old days and her siblings who messed up at the funeral....she calls it talking...i call it gossiping.. oh btw, i really really love my pillowcases =))
polekid farted at 6:25 PM
Sunday, July 10, 2005
lets see. cremation was on friday evening..showered in gumps' place and then headed down for concert..good stuff..pixiang and alvan..not bad la... if it wasn't under such conditions, then yeah, they were good.. but ohwells..haha damn obvious that the got screwed during the interval.. lols..after concert went home, slept..woke up..rushed down to expo mrt. met the rest.. attended the national young leaders thingy..haha the ij peeps were there.. audrey, sam, alicia, jaclyn, seren and the rest..yeah..lunched with them at airport bk..then went back to expo..after the thingy, went down to sji with agung, loi and roderick..then loi, roderick and i got some eats at esso. duty...sweaty..then finish.. then went for concert..haha was hell good la.. the liverpool band weren't as sucky this time and we could actually listen to sirhan's guitar. haha mom's gonna get a nice surprise when she developes the film in her camera.. asked me "how many pictures you take?" and i said "ONE." she said "one only?!! picture of yourself alone arh?"..then i said "yeah..something like that.." HEE HEE..don't'll be alright..and thennnn..came back home, showered and off to bed now.. mass at 9am tmr.. gotta update myself on that YM thingy that happened today...and gotta plot summore.. haha..byebye..
polekid farted at 12:11 AM
Thursday, July 07, 2005
mm..alrighty.. shall also put the list of my mom's siblings up here.. for fun. i cn't remember their full names, so i'll use the names i call them by:
1. Uncle Swetha [doctor, lives in India..married to "ican'trememberwho", has icantrememberhowmany children..]
2. Aunty Mala [housewife, previously worked in a factory, married to Uncle Selvam, who's currently working in a factory i think, two kids (Shashi and Arvin)]
3. Aunty Bonnie [housewife, often referred to as Aunty Bone, has two retarded children, both aged 20+..yepps..really sweet children..their names are Bobby and Eggy.. i also dunno why, but tht's what we call them..]
4. MY MOTHER [formerly known as Hema Malini, now known as Aunty Agnes to those outside the family la..converted when married my dad(DUH), Mariadass James, who was a policeman..she used to be Hindu..gave birth to me ..]
5. Uncle Brinda [sadly, he passed away before i was born, but my mom said that he and i would've been the best of friends man.. haha apparently he was extremely mischievious.. climbing trees and stuff. yeah..]
6. Aunty Dratch [married to Uncle Pap, works as a newspaper delivery woman..have a hell lot of respect for her. she's got three kids, 2 girls (Helena and Regina, twins, both working), and one boy (Sharwn) who's a year older than me.. she took care of me since i was a little bastard all the way to the end of kindergarten and i'm damn grateful to have her man..]
7. Aunty Chewy [single, teacher or principal i think..of a special school in singapore.. yeah.. her real name's Aunty Sundri, but she's also known as Aunty Sandy la..she converted too and she's my godma.]
8. Uncle Sugah [married to Aunty Saras, two girls (Sharmini and Priya),works in a restaurant..freaking funny fella.. full of crap.. even more funny when he's drunk.. usually the life of the party when it gets past 12am.. can say that he[s, the most cartoooooooon uncle i have]
9. Uncle Subah [marrie to Aunty Miko, a nurse, nice guy, very mild and gentle..thinks he's damn funny.. but he's a cannot-make-it kind of funny..aiyah end of the day still funny in The American Club.. yeah..]
10. Aunty Sesh [married to Uncle Uni,a pilot, two kids (Vignesh and Srilatchmi), nursing for 25years..currently staying in Australia, nice lady with an er...different perspective of life.]
11. Aunty Shark [married to Uncle Guna, two kids (Ganesh and Dinesh), ahah she met her husband-to-be in the army..cos she was working as a clerk..her name is Shakila but we call her Aunty Shark]
12. Uncle Tribhu [married to Aunty Kala, two kids (Brinda and Dhiven), haha i can remeber his full name cos he made me write it like 4 times la.. jayatribhuvanagopal. haha we call him Uncle Tribhu, or Uncle BOO.. car mechanic, fricking good with cars.. put him in the same room as Uncle Sugah and you can laugh till thy kingdom come..]
13. Uncle Deep [married to Aunty Salvation, had three kids (Sandra, Nigel, Ryan) with ex-wife Aunty Patricia (she's a real looker)..used to work in SIA, had a terrible motorbike accident and is damn on about exercise even though there's a metal plate in his thigh.. full name : jayadeepavanagopal.. we call him Uncle Deepa or Uncle DEEEEEEEP..]
14. Aunty Rathi [married to Uncle Kennedy, has one boy (Vivek), works in some medical physiotherapy thingy..smth liddat la..she's quite young..yeps..]
all fourteen of them..
polekid farted at 8:54 AM
mom woke me up at 0445am this morning..rushed off to ttsh..aunty sesh was there.. she was crying.. gumps died at arnd 0420am...or so the doctor said la..i dunno..not sure of the exact time, but tht doesn't really matter much. yeah.. she's gone.. wonder how things will be in the family dunno if it's the right thing to do or feel right now, but i feel that i've accepted the fact that she's passed away and i think that it's really strange to be able to observe your relatives and their actions and reactions regarding the death..cos i'm okay, but they're not. then it gets a little bit complicated la.
lst night had this sharp pain in my side from arnd 8pm or so..all the way to 12..but it was gone when i woke up.. weird.. hmmm..'s something else tht's interesting to share.. so far, i've experienced 4 deaths, including gumps'.. my dad, my uncle papillon (we jst call him uncle pap), my paternal grandmother and according to my mom, after my dad died, there were a lot of cockroaches running arnd the house.. not cos the house was dirty la..but yeah..they were these HUGE FLYING ROACHES. yeah..and after uncle pap died, there were a lot of house lizards.. paternal grandmother, cn't remember which insect (haha maybe she's associated with toothpaste, cos she never seemed to run out of it...always giving us many tubes for christmas)..and gumps...i dunno about gumps.. haha see how la..
polekid farted at 7:49 AM
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
HOHO ONCE MORE!! LONDON HAS WON BABY!!!!!!! aaaaaah..yesyesyes......yes.
another five bucks man.. now i can go buy 4 bowls of lor mee. HAHAHAH!! mom's super sad about losing five bucks (and in some weird and dark way, she shld be more sad about losing her mother..but i guess she's not showing it la)..anyhows.. at the end of the day, i'm ten dollars richer. but i guess i'm further away from God now. haha Bryan Shen, you messed up my head real good.. thanks mr. shen..tkcare all..lucks to the oral-ers. nights ahmad..
polekid farted at 9:31 PM
HOHO!! yesyes. let me tell you how i made five dollars from my mother about ten minutes ago. i was in my was watching tv in the living room.. then she asked me where the remote was..and i told her that it was on the coffee she switched the channel to channelnewsasia cos she wnted to see who'd win the bid.. haha then she went to the toilet and as she came out, i shouted from my room
"oei i make a bet with you.. i say that either paris or london will get it. five dollars."
mom: "okay.. i say madrid or new york.. five dollars change if you lose ok?"
me: "yeah okay can.."
so i go to the living room.. and what do i see? "CHANNELNEWSASIA LATEST UPDATE: MADRID, NEW YORK AND MOSCOW OUT OF THE BID." flashed BIGBIG ACROSS THE SCREEN. HURR HURR!! [actually it was jst a small tiny line at the bottom of the screen, but hey, it seemed big to me, so screw off =))].. and i informed her about it.. but she wouldn't believe it man... hahah the look on her face, more than priceless. lols..
so yeah, i made five bucks from my mother.. haha now she wants to bet with me that paris will win it.. haha i'm rooting for london.. another five bucks at stake, so yes.. either i win..or i give back the five bucks..the way i see it, it's a win-win kinda thing. HOHO! you owe me twenty dollars. pay up pls. had to bluff my mother that i didn't get any extra tix, cos she'd flip if she found out that i did. lols..seems like money is rolling in.. i guess i'll go and roll in too.. roll dunno where la.. but jst keep rolling la. yepp.. shall update after i find out who wins the bid. yes. HEE HEE.. so go ahead, make some money out of your parents.
polekid farted at 7:06 PM
hoho. so it seems tht someone think she's damn popular in sji la.. pls think you befriend so many sji guys, so you're damn good..and damn "famous" in sji...haha gotta ask yourself whether the sji guy considers you his friend first man.. please wake up. you think you come for our concert, then all the sji guys will go ga-ga over you.. and that all the sji guys arnd you will be saying hi to you and stuff..haha gotta realise that it only happens cos sji guys are too nice. and more often than not, we end up getting hurt cos of your kind. so run along now and leave us be.
polekid farted at 4:14 PM
Monday, July 04, 2005
.there in the room stood 4 mothers, caring for their mother.friday was alright (not counting the tamil orals la).. mugger ooi came down to sji for a while cos james needed to teach him some music shit..ooi also helped us with our work, while doing HIS work.. wtf man.. i wna be an Ooi pls!..hmmm..he has inspired us to become men of integrity, men for muggers. yesyes. yes. went for mass with ang, ooi and james. then went over to james' and had a seriously shiok dinner. noodles and rice stuff. shiok mannn...headed home and did my math........i think.
there in the room stood 4 daughters, worried sick about their ailing't remember wht time i woke up..tried to do more math.. cannot.. so stoned.. saw petrina on tv..aviva open thingy..ahha her 5 seconds of fame.. quite funny.. then..went down to the dentist..bloody beeetch sliced off part of my teeth la! fuck man, it was scary shit. she had this rotating disc.. and it spun really fast..and then she sliced off my teeth!!! so there's like this space right now at the back and i can feel it with my tongue and it feels weird man..then.....yeah..came back.. watched judging amy..nice show.. made me feel bad about not treating my mom well enough.. shall go get her some shit for mother's mother's day over alr arh?
there in the room stood 4 sisters, differences disregarded in the face of human love.then went for dinner with james and ooi and jared and cass and mel and nat and gerad and marc..and me. was funny..jared and i can click really well..but it can get quite violent la.. haha..i'll never stop tickling you. headed home and then.......did something and then did another thing..and then fell asleep.
sunday morning (rain not falling la....what you thinking?) up..added on a bit to sandra's letter..then went for mass. deb was damn early man.. ahaha... joe was EVEN earlier..angie was in Germany (grrr...hope she brings back some German stuff..a German Samuel perhaps? wonder if they have Samuels in Germany)..vincent was m.i.a for a really long time.. but it's okay la..there's always next sunday. yes.
haha there was one part where deb asked me for a plaster..and i innocently asked her if she was bleeding..and she was like "er. that sounded wrong. haha that kind of bleeding dun need plaster (or something to that effect la)".. waaaah!! felt damn malu man.. hahaha anyhowsss... lunched with joe, deb, sandra and peter (who invited himself.. haha yes i know we're bad to him, but like..WHO ISN'T?!..hee..kidding..).. lunched at kfc..bloody shrooms took so fricking long this time man.. i want to complain! and it was of such poor quality that the mushrooms didn't even taste like mushrooms..
sandra's got a weird way of eating mashed potato.. she
whips it. and then it looks like baby food.. or baby shit.. disgusting man!! seriously EEYER. deb seemed like she was enjoying her chicken..dipping it in the chicken blood. again, EEYER. girls are weird. food is food. don't play with food. put it in your mouth and chew. then swallow or regurgitate. but NEVER play with your food. god will come find you. then you'll be in trouble. tsk tsk.
came back..had stuff.. then went online.. then had to rush of to gumps' place.. she's dying.. grandmother's dying la.. went over at like 7plus..almost 8.. stayed till 1am.. yeah.. had a nice talk with my aunty.. her name's SESHAYANI but we all call her Aunty Sesh.. haha oh btw, my mom taught me this cool rap so that i can remember each and every one of my uncles and aunties.. all fourteen of them. haha remind me to put their names and nicknames up here yeah? should be good reading..haha.. yeah..had a nice talk with her about nursing la.. she's been a nurse for 25 years now. yeps.. shared a lot of stuff with me.. sorta got a clearer picture of things now.. and yeah..i gotta go do some reflection man.. cos all the pathways she pointed out to me are really really good.. yeah.. in a sense, everything's secured la. yepp..dunno man.. she seems pretty excited on my decision to become a nurse.. haha do i hear "S-P-O-N-S-O-R-S-H-I-P"?? lols...
gumps not doing too good. face all puffed up..feet swollen.. skin all dried and drooping.. eyes are closed and sunken.. not a very nice sight la. took her over to ttsh. she's warded there right now..mmm..hope she's doing okay..please pray for her yeah? even linnette too =))
there in the room stood God.God bless you Gumps.came back, showered, updated
everywhere.. off to sleep. byebye.
polekid farted at 1:51 AM