Wednesday, June 29, 2005
waaah. 3rd day..totally gay..emath test was gay. not enough time. then nvr do last question, lost eight bloody marks..baah..then by the time we got through elect and chem, was half dead alr. then came MOTHERTONGUE..slack period! the teachers are super concerned for me cos they're afraid that i might fail my oral. cos i can't speak tamil that good...but that doesn't mean that i can't speak tamil for shit right? surely can speak tamil for shit la..i guess in class, i'm jst waaaay too embarrassed to open my mouth cos i know that wht i say will be grammatically wrong and stuff and the rest of them will jst snigger..they laugh at the indian guy (from India) with seriously good spoken tamil, but crappy written tamil..they laugh at him because he thinks he's damn good..but in truth, he's not thaaaaaat good. yeps..
but they're a bunch of okay people la i guess...yeps..they're the hardcore tamil people..some call them the shadow (go figure)..but seriously, once you get to know them, they're alright la.....handphone thefts and smoking aside.
anyhows..aft mothertongue was physics and then math. both very "interesting" periods. yesyes. then had some tamil remedial thing..was pretty funny..cos shaun was jst "painting" his stationery with his marker pen.. and my tamil teacher kept on referring to him as a conversation topic..
quite funny la. thennn..slacked arnd in school..looked at them train..came home..
gonna watch charmed! she's a hottie! hurr.. then gotta study for ss test tmr..friday got orals! eeyers. oooh. jst found out tht i'm exco for renaissance saturday night. and i'm going on friday i'll get to see both performances for the price of one ticket! jolly good.
polekid farted at 8:00 PM
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
i say "hey!........i was right. you are a
gay monkey"..
you say "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO..i am not a
gay monkey..maybe you heard me wrongly, but i am definitely not a
gay monkey.."
i say "maybe you say you are not a
gay monkey,then i say you are a
gay donkey..or a
gay ass..".."but this time,
you lose."
haha TOTALLY KNEW IT'D HAPPEN LA..hurr as pixiang would say "i knew it lor!"..God bless him and his wallet..hmm..well i guess the most amazing thing is that before all this, i alr explained how i felt abt the whole thing. and you said that you understood. looks like you bluffed me. ohwells. your loss.
you lose.
today was alrighty. lessons..assembly..another assembly..legion..homework..home..homework.. mmm..guess one of the highlights of the day must've been the sharing by Mr. Bryan Shen.. what he said actually got me thinking..and if you think hard enough, i guess ang wants to be a saint.. or maybe he doesn't want to, but he surely does look like he's on the right path. go ang go!
ahmad..oh and by the way cass, NICE JOB ON THE's like...kickass la.. budden kick whose ass? tsk tsk. backup plan. ngee ann nursing pls.
polekid farted at 8:27 PM
Monday, June 27, 2005
whose line was totally crazy last night man.. with all the kissing and the pie-plus-ketchup felt good. was actually laughing out must've thought i was nuts, but i guess she's used to it alr. yepp.
yes yes. the wonders of 'self-preservation'..some know it as fuck care..haha that noodle stuff in tp is good. guess pixiang would agree. basket, steal my soup until liddat..but it was james' money.. so i dunno la.. haha good shit all the same. renaissance? yes yes no? ...yes.. well that smelly backside is the maybe i'll get him flowers..haha or maybe not. i mean, flowers are expensive ya know...and the fact that james and i owe him 35$ each has no importance whatsoever each his own yeah? fifty cents a lotta money? riiiiight. so maybe he can buy his own flowers.
if you're out of this, do let me know alright? orals at the end of this week. emath test this test this pretty packed la. alrighty. off to watch america's funniest home if she cares. don't leave be hanging like that. HOHO i miss my 9th floor neighbour. haven't seen her in a long time and she's becoming hotter by the minute. to think that we used to play at the playgrnd when we were little..and all her younger sibling's would play too. joyce, josephine, robin, melvin and the-little-one-whose-name-i-can't-remember. happy times.
don't be too hard on me pls.
byebye all.
polekid farted at 7:11 PM
Sunday, June 26, 2005
yesterday was a really special day. more special than archi said it would be. stayed over in james' the previous night (as mentioned in the previous post) and then played basketball with mags, marc and james. supposed to meet sandra at 1045 at novena sq..but i was still playing when it was 1040..then realised i was gonna be super late. so msged her and told her i'd be late. then ran off to the bus stop. still got totally drenched tho..bus took fricking long to get there. changed in novena sq toilet..think the guy in the cubicle next to mine was smoking something..cos it smelt horrible..and there were ashes on the floor..thenn..met her at long johns and went down to esplanade to get her derek-friend some chocs. haha saw that
art is a lie thing..was pretty cool. yeah.. got the chocs..trained down to paya lebar aftr tht and bumped into deborah at the station..actually she bumped into us la...mmm..cos she saw my yellow shoes..then she knew that it was me..then she thought that sandra was my girlfriend cos she was behind us and couldn't see our faces.then she found out that the girl was actually sandra.
lunched at kfc....shit, i owe deb two dollars..discussed some stuff abt church and all..hee hee. was pretty scandalous.. we're gonna take over the church. then made some plans and stuff and we all went back home..
confirmation was is a short man.. was too rushed and everything la, but i guess it was okay. then yeah.. makan with the legion at tht thai village place in singapore post. good stuff man. but pretty expensive la..but good stuff all the same. then... went home.. showered, changed and knocked out. thanks for everyone who took the time to actually come down to my church.. and thanks for everyone who actually remembered, even though they couldn't come. yeps. thennnn....
woke up at 1020..msged angie and told her that i wasn't going for mass.. then went back to sleep till...150pm..yeah..then did some math...or at least i tried to. then went online.. blogging now. gonna buy a new television ltr. then......yeah..sleep la.
ey i feel that we (confi4s) shld organise some kinda 'post-confirmation party' or smth..cos almost everyone agrees that yesterday was fantastic, but it didn't end properly.. yeah..maybe we could all go over to daniel's brother's house or something..dunno la, leave sandra to ask daniel's brother if we can go to his house..i mean..she even memorised daniel's brother's number. that's damn cool la.. oh yeah, kudos to the servers in qop..we won the catholeague..(like DUH...hee).. other parishes, not to worry, we'll win it again next year..yesyes.
we need to talk. yes. YOU and i.
we gotta talk.
polekid farted at 6:43 PM
Friday, June 24, 2005
lst night i couldn't get to sleep. and my sleepless-nights buddy was created. was tossing and turning in bed for so damn long..thinking about SO many things.. was quite frustrating cos i really wnted to sleep and my mind was still active. then i had the sudden urge to go blog. was feeling pretty keen on blogging. but as i got up, i looked outside my window and i saw an old man cycling near the carpark. at 2am in the morning. yeah.that sorta freaked the shit outta me la. climbed back into bed and 'played' with my handphone. found out that i was able to access the internet through my phone. cool eh? bet it costs a bomb. there i was..all alone in my bed [well, if there was someone else in bed with me, i'd be most happy to share the blankie..... =) ]..anyhows..yeah..was lying in bed thinking about stuff.. about my confirmation..about my cat class teacher (her name's julie, but we all call her teacher julie)...about that song that some of us wnted to write for her..about my special someone..about writing a song for my special someone..about fluffy's ears.. basically about the so-liddat-ness of life.. yeps..why life so-liddat?mmm...well i'm quite happy with the way things are right now..looking forward to saturday..loadsa stuff gonna happen and if all goes well, things should get even better . anyway..let's talk about TODAY.i walked from my home down to toa payoh hub today..took the bust 28 route. was rather far and i was given a lot of time to think about stuff..(urgh..MORE thinking..eggbert needs a rest you know..tsk)..finally hit tp..whole journey took about one and a half hours. yeah..blisters on feet have opened and the pus looks tasty.hurr! met enoch at hub macs..saw grace and gang walking by..james joined us ltr..enoch rocks man. in sji, he used to be lame and cool.. now he's EVEN MORE lame and cool. so yeah.we were really lucky to catch him at hub macs cos coincidentally, he stays in the area that we're supposed to go do our social studies project yeah..we actually had a resident show us arnd the erm.."estate"..we took loads of pictures man...even this picture of an old lady advertising for Tiger Beer. shall put it up here sometime...aaaaaaaaaaaanyhowsy, we headed back home..watched you got served.good shit man. people there got no bones and really strong muscles. feeling inspired after the show, we attempted breakdancing in the garden..ended up rolling arnd more or less.. might have even squished a frog or least we didn't send it up the roof. then we got even more crazy. had my camo paint.. we used it man. james got pretty hyped by it...haha like it was something from another planet man.. we got excited by camo paint. took quite a few pictures of ourselves with the paint and we gave mary a good shock. james' dad seemed as if he was used to seeing james with green all over his face. HAHAHAH!!!! =))thennnn.. shower...thennnn..blogggg...then now here la. you not happy isit? fight arh?shall come back here after confirmation. playing basketball with mags and jared and jeffrey and all..then gonna meet sandra for novena service...then after that dunno how la. then go for confirmation.. kick lauw's butt if he's there..jst for fun. ok. time to become chinese. byebye.
polekid farted at 10:52 PM
Friday, June 17, 2005
so's all over now. haha was great fun.. went better than i expected. yeps. gonna miss them loads. tammy, bella, wayne. ziyan, pet, siti and the rest of the org comm and the facils..and the participants too. not sure when we'll all get to meet again, but it's been a wonderful journey (awww..i feel like crying alr).. =)).. met loads of new people there and made several new friends. very interesting people. haha on the whole, it was special la.
it's the end of the third week of the hols! and there's still homework left. die! ahaha..ohwells..must try to finish la. haha b div asked to play a friendly against c div this coming wednesday. not sure if i'll go..see how la..but most probably will go..jst for kicks i guess.. haha bet everyone in the pack is freaking unfit now..well we weren't that fit to begin with la..but yeah.. jst go down la..
gonna get confirmed next saturday!!.. cn't wait.. joe said it felt cool when archie signs you with the chrism you feel "powerful" or something. haha i dunno..maybe i'll feel powerful too. not sure wht i'll be feeling then, but i know that it'll feel DAMN GOOD. HURR HURR!! gonna go for the youthfest thingy with my cat class on saturday..and according to sandra, the ym's planning some outing after mass on sunday..pool or something.. haha should be fun la..yeah..if peter plays pool with us, we'll make him eat an 8-ball.
it has been a weird june holiday.

astroboy rocks my socks. haha tkcare joe. thanks for being you =))
polekid farted at 4:23 PM
Thursday, June 09, 2005
jst got back from mr. and mrs. smith with cass, nat, linn and james. yeps. it was damn good. yeah. took my mind off a lot of things and yeps, i guess things are beginning to pick up again. haha still in that shit hole, but coming out slowly la. biggest shit hole i've ever been in. k gotta go. shall update this again after i'm done. yeps.alright. back here again like i said i'd be. hmmm.. this goes out to everyone and i've angered or hurt in the past three to four weeks:
i'm damn bloody sorry about the way i've been behaving and everything and i hope i didn't piss you off too badly. hell, you probably pissed me off first (only cos i CHOSE to let you piss me off), but tht's not important. yeps. things are rough all over, i know tht i'm not the only one on this side of the world with problems, so yeah, i'll try to be more understanding. and i'll try very hard not to say fck anymore cos's not very pretty. mmm. and i want to be pretty. tkcare.
you don't know how much i care.. haha even i don't know how much i care.. but i know it's a hell lot more than the rest do. maybe i just don't show it. maybe you're not letting me. maybe it's me. maybe it's you. maybe it's maybelline.
will be away at confirmation camp from friday till sunday..looking forward to camp..good chance to totally drop everything tht's been on my mind and enjoy the company of a bunch of really special people...(well..peter is retarded, so quite special la). gonna miss every single one of them loads after our confirmation. haha..unless you're peter la. msg me if you need to borrow my socks. tsk tsk. heartbroken.
polekid farted at 6:14 PM
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
third post of the day.. FUCK YOU ALL. YES! FUCK! ALL OF YOU! ...ahh..feels so much better now. gosh. this is too vulgar. close your eyes if you don't like it.
polekid farted at 9:15 PM
Well I was sitting waiting wishing That you believed in superstitions Then maybe you'd see the signs But Lord knows that this world is cruel And I ain't the Lord, no I'm just a foolAnd in loving somebody don't make them love you Must I always be waiting, waiting on you? Must I always be playing, playing the fool? I sang your songsI danced your danceI gave your friends all a chancePutting up with them wasn't worth never having you And maybe you been through this before But it's my first timeSo please ignore The next few lines cause they're directed at youI can't always be waiting, waiting on you I can't always be playing, playing your foolI keep playing your cards But its not my scene Won't this plot not twist? I have no place to read? Keep building me up, then shooting me downWell im already down Just wait a minute Just sitting, waiting Just wait a minuteJust sitting, waiting Well if I was in your positionI'd put down all my ammunition I'd wondered why'd it taken me so long But Lord knows that I'm not you And If I was, I wouldn't be so cruel Cause waiting on love ain't so easy to do Must I always be waiting, waiting on you? Must I always be playing, playing the fool? No, I can't always be waiting, waiting on youI can't always be playing playing your fool, foooooool__________________________________________________________
Sitting, Waiting, Wishing by Jack Johnson.nice song. simple. sincere. straight to the point. pretty damn good. HURR HURR!wow. blogged twice in one day..hmm..ahaha..tkcare all. yes sergeant!
polekid farted at 3:57 PM
jst came back frm school. math remedial then played badminton with pix and mamba. haha was crazy shit man. used the ancient squash rackets cos the badminton juniors didn't wnt to lend us theirs..damn heavy la.. but it was damn fun.. mamba is seriously wacked man. chum cn't shut his mouth to save his life..surely gonna kena sai one day man. haha..suddenly got the urge to play paintball. must play paintball after Os man, sounds like fun.haha invite teachers along..collected the convention money from the guys..only got $150 plus. need $450. mom gonna pay first. they better pay back man...big money.mmm..but the convention's gonna be damn fun la.. haha this is pretty weird..cos like..there are only a few people who actually know about/read my blog..haha as if they give a fuck about the convention..lols..i think we should all ask ourselves if we actually do give a fuck. yes yes.
polekid farted at 3:08 PM